LLVM compiling

Why are there two ways to compile LLVM?
  make and cmake!
What's the difference of those two ways?

- mudongliang

Why are there two ways to compile LLVM?
make and cmake!
What’s the difference of those two ways?

make and cmake are used together not separately.
cmake is a high level generator that creates a makefile for make

You may however be confusing make with autotools.
autotools like cmake generates a makefile for make to use.

autotools is an older tool typically used by gcc so it was natural for llvm/clang to adopt this
llvm as a project is moving towards only having cmake as the high level generator.

Please someone correct me if I am wrong but the autotools build will be deprecated soon
so I suggest you use cmake when building

Kind Regards

Why are there two ways to compile LLVM?

        make and cmake!
What's the difference of those two ways?

make and cmake are used together not separately.
cmake is a high level generator that creates a makefile for make

I compile llvm according to this website(

Clang - Getting Started)

   1. Checkout LLVM:
      - Change directory to where you want the llvm directory placed.
      - svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk llvm
   2. Checkout Clang:
      - cd llvm/tools
      - svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk clang
      - cd ../..
   3. Checkout extra Clang Tools: (optional)
      - cd llvm/tools/clang/tools
      - svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/trunk
      - cd ../../../..
   4. Checkout Compiler-RT:
      - cd llvm/projects
      - svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/compiler-rt/trunk
      - cd ../..
   5. Build LLVM and Clang:
      - mkdir build (in-tree build is not supported)
      - cd build
      - cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm
      - make

And I don't compile llvm separately. Should I compile llvm separately?

You may however be confusing make with autotools.

autotools like cmake generates a makefile for make to use.

autotools is an older tool typically used by gcc so it was natural for
llvm/clang to adopt this
llvm as a project is moving towards only having cmake as the high level

Configure and build LLVM and Clang using autotools :

   - cd where-you-want-to-build-llvm
   - mkdir build (for building without polluting the source dir)
   - cd build
   - ../llvm/configure [options] Some common options:
      - --prefix=directory — Specify for *directory* the full pathname of
      where you want the LLVM tools and libraries to be installed (default
      - --enable-optimized — Compile with optimizations enabled (default is
      - --enable-assertions — Compile with assertion checks enabled
      (default is YES).
   - make [-j] — The -j specifies the number of jobs (commands) to run
   simultaneously. This builds both LLVM and Clang for Debug+Asserts mode. The
   --enable-optimized configure option is used to specify a Release build.
   - make check-all — This run the regression tests to ensure everything is
   in working order.

I indeed am confused with this compiling method. For example , there are
two files : CMakeLists.txt and Makefile in llvm/lib/Transfroms/Hello.
I want to add my testing Pass in lib for testing. I should prepare two
files according to the way you compile.( Makefile : autotools ,
CMakeLists.txt : cmake)
Please correct me if what I say are wrong.
    - mudongliang

Please someone correct me if I am wrong but the autotools build will be

And I don’t compile llvm separately. Should I compile llvm separately?

Build together is fine.

I typically use git and
clone clang into llvm/tools
and compiler-rt into llvm/projects.

Then I just run cmake as described and make if I am using -G “Unix Makefiles”

I indeed am confused with this compiling method. For example , there are two files : CMakeLists.txt and Makefile in llvm/lib/Transfroms/Hello.

They CmakeLists.txt are part of the source of llvm so I don’t see what the confusion is.
The makefile has not been touched in 5 years so you would just leave that.
It’s the CMakeLists you want to edit.

I want to add my testing Pass in lib for testing. I should prepare two files according to the way you compile.( Makefile : autotools , CMakeLists.txt : cmake)
Please correct me if what I say are wrong.

Testcases are usually automatically picked up when they are in the correct folder regardless of the build system.
If you want to add something to the system I would do it in CMakeList.txt and submit it for review via phabracator.

Kind Regards

You use git clone ? Do you use llvm mirror on Github? I only know svn sites.

http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html#git-mirror :slight_smile:

Kind Regards