Open MLIR Meeting 7/13/2023: mlir-query: Tool to query MLIR IR dynamically

This Thursday (tomorrow), July 6th (9am California Time, 16:00 UTC ), we’ll have a presentation on mlir-query, a tool to query MLIR IR dynamically. The tool has a REPL (or command-line) interface to enable users to query various properties of MLIR code, such as “isConstant”. The tool is intended to be similar to clang-query, which allows developers to match AST expressions in C++ code using a TUI with autocomplete and other features. The presentation will cover the progress so far and the implementation details.

Zoom Meeting Link is unchanged, the presentation will be recorded and posted here and on our talks page on the website as usual.
You can also subscribe to this Google calendar to keep informed about incoming meetings.

Meeting ID: 851 5109 0498
Passcode: 828404


slides and recording for today!