Hi everyone,
Thank you to everyone who attended the optimised code debugging experience Round Table. Here is a summary of the discussion:
Testing & validation
debugify extension Djordje has been working on uses existing (instead of synthetic) debug-info.
Potential for an extension which helps find problems with debug intrinsic handling.
Is debugify appropriate for CI regression testing? (Seems not).
Concerns raised about scalability - already being addressed.
Using dexter to look at stack backtraces.
Getting LNT metrics for dexter tests upstream might be useful - needs evaluating.
Upstream test suite is small, Phillip P. mentions we are sitting on a bunch downstream.
New tool created by Carlos for providing a higher level / semantic view of debug-info. Needs renaming.
gdb test suite running on llvm. Not necessarily super useful.
PLDI paper [1] implements automated validation pipeline on synthesised programs. Scalability concerns again.
O1 as Og. Proposed by Eric a while ago (see mails/RFC).
Main goal: Somewhat optimised code with quick build and useful debug-info.
Remove abstraction penalties but leave things as debuggable as possible.
Give all locals stack homes? Runtime performance implication needs investigation.
The analysis/testing has developed further since the last discussions but nothing put upstream yet.
Contributors welcome - discuss with Eric.
Lifetime extension? Prefer to fix/improve variable location tracking.
Stepping behaviour
is_stmt & program breakpoints:
There is a lot of interest in, and agreement for, changing how llvm identifies useful program breakpoints (DWARF is_stmt flag).
lldb and Sony’s debugger ignore is_stmt currently.
“Statement” at the language level is definitely too coarse. Expressions might be a useful as a start.
Caroline T. suggests breakpoints (is_stmt) should be on all user visible state changes [2].
prologue_end can be misleading:
Difficult because of shrink wrapping etc.
Some debuggers use it, some don’t.
We may need to guard changes in this area behind a flag to avoid breaking compatibility with consumers.
Useful links captured from the Zoom chat:
Paper on work done for OpenVMS debugger in the 1990s.
Ronald F. Brender, Jeffrey E. Nelson, Mark E. Arsenault
[1] Debug Information Validation for Optimized Code (PLDI 2020)
Yuanbo Li, Shuo Ding, Qirun Zhang, Davide Italiano
Debugging Information Testing: A Python reimplementation for the debug-information testing framework for the paper
[2] Key Instructions: Solving the Code Location Problem for Optimized Code
Caroline Tice, Prof. Susan L. Graham