I plan to implement "Stack Smashing Protection - Strong" support in LLVM.
Below is a description of this feature and an overview of the implementation
plan. I have divided up the implementation into stages that can be delivered
I'm looking for any feedback (suggestions, requests, etc) before I actually
begin the work.
If you're looking for a project to learn about LLVM and Clang, then I think this is a great project. If the LLVM /Clang community wants this feature so that it is feature-compatible with GCC, then I think including this feature into LLVM/Clang makes sense.
If you want to protect applications from attack, then I think there are far more productive and interesting things to work on than stack protectors. Stack protectors are really a hack and, at best, only protect against a single kind of attack (and with buffer overread attacks, I'm not even sure if they do that very well). Even if they work against stack buffer overflows, stack protectors don't protect the application from heap overflows, invalid free attacks, dangling pointer attacks, and non-control data attacks.
The fastest countermeasure that I think is worth looking at is Control Flow Integrity (CFI); CFI adds checks to return instructions and indirect jumps to ensure that they're jumping to a valid target address. As far as I know, there's no control-hijack attack that works against it, although non-control data attacks are still possible. The fastest CFI implementation at present has an average overhead of 7.74% on 32-bit x86, and by using a very conservative callgraph, you can use it without whole program analysis. I've got the LLVM implementation from the authors at LeHigh and am updating the code for x86_64 and LLVM 3.1 for use in one of my research projects. If you're interested in the code, I can ask them if they'd be willing to release the code as open-source.
Optimizations for memory safety tools like ASan, SAFECode, and SoftBound would be even better since they also stop non-control data attacks. Getting good performance out of them is difficult, though, and depending on what sorts of overhead you're willing to tolerate, getting good performance is still an open research question.
You might want to check out the memory safety menagerie (Memory Safety Menagerie). It has lots of papers on various techniques and optimizations for those techniques. You might find something that will give you the security you want at the performance you need.
In short, I think working on something that provides more comprehensive protection is better than working on a partial hack.
My two (maybe four?) cents.
-- John T.