Reminder: LLVM 2.2 code freeze 1 month away


The LLVM 2.2 release code freeze and branch creation is less than 1 month away. All major changes should be commited to svn at least 1 week before the code freeze. As a reminder, here is the complete release schedule (which can also be found on the main page in the right sidebar):

Jan 16, 2008: Branch creation/Code Freeze (9PM PST).
Jan 18, 2008: First round of pre-release testing begins.
Jan 28, 2008: Pre-release testing ends.
Jan 30, 2008: Second round of pre-release testing begins.
Feb 3, 2008: Pre-release testing ends.
Feb 4, 2008: 2.2 released.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Tanya Lattner


Do you think you'll have a chance to look at that last GC patch soon, or should I put some "this isn't hooked up yet" warnings in GarbageCollection.html in preparation for the release?

— Gordon

Yep, done now. Sorry for the delay Gordon, I think that real GC support will be a great 2.2 feature!
