Report on Recent Outages

Dear All,

Some community members have contacted me directly regarding recent outages of the LLVM services. While I'm no longer a University of Illinois employee, old habits die hard, so I asked around. :slight_smile:

First, a storage array at UIUC developed issues over the weekend. The UIUC IT people were on it, but the first fix did not appear to work as expected, causing performance degradation for systems using the storage array. I believe the mailing list server is one such system, explaining why the mailing lists didn't work yesterday.

There will be more work on the storage array between midnight and 8 am Central time tonight; it is possible that the LLVM/Clang mailing lists will be down or experiencing degraded performance during that time.

Second, a router in the UIUC CS department failed today, preventing access to the LLVM server (which hosts SVN, web, and other services). This failure was independent of the storage array failure. To the best of my knowledge, that is fixed and running again.

On behalf of my alma mater and former employer, I apologize for the inconvenience. However, their IT people are aware of the problems and are working on it. With luck, everything will be fixed and running smooth by 8 am Central time tomorrow.

On a final note, if you need to contact me directly, please use my gmail address. My address is forwarding mail for now, but apparently it won't do so forever.

Thanks for your patience everyone.

-- John T.

Dear All,

Some community members have contacted me directly regarding recent outages
of the LLVM services. While I'm no longer a University of Illinois
employee, old habits die hard, so I asked around. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update! Who should we be reaching out to in the future when
issues like this come up?

Dear All,

Some community members have contacted me directly regarding recent
outages of the LLVM services. While I'm no longer a University of Illinois
employee, old habits die hard, so I asked around. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update! Who should we be reaching out to in the future when
issues like this come up?

Acgtually, scratch that - whoever it is doesn't need random LLVM community
members pestering them. llvm admins no doubt have the right info.

Thanks for the update! Who should we be reaching out to in the future when

issues like this come up?

Acgtually, scratch that - whoever it is doesn't need random LLVM community
members pestering them. llvm admins no doubt have the right info.

I wonder whether it would make sense, if this happens again in future, to
make use of alternative channels such as the twitter feed (I
assume that's official?) or the IRC channel topic line to put out a status
update along the lines of "We're aware of the problems with the lists and
are working on restoring them" to avoid people being contacted directly
about the issue when it's already being taken care of.


Please contact me at for any issues related to LLVM infrastructure if the mailing lists are down. If the lists are up, please email llvm-admin mailing list.

I have the contact information for our UIUC contact and would prefer that requests go through me. Iā€™m only human though and there will be sometimes a delay in my response depending upon the time of day.

the twitter feed is official and I hope to be utilizing it more often.
