[RFC] A proposal for project governance

About an hour ago I took the stage at the US LLVM Developer meeting to discuss a proposal that myself and others in the community have been working on for a community governance model. The full text of the proposal is posted in this PR.

This proposal was authored by @mehdi_amini, @AaronBallman, @echristo, @rnk, and myself.

This proposal is by no means perfect, but we hope that it can be a starting point for a conversation about a problem in our community.

Please provide feedback on the PR directly so that we can track the feedback and advance the proposal.

Thank you!
-Chris Bieneman


I saw this was discussed in a recent board meeting, including how to get more feedback. I understand why you’re asking for comments on the RFC PR directly, but I’d strongly encourage reporting back periodically on this thread (ideally attempting to summarise feedback, though I know how hard that can be).

If you don’t subscribe to a PR when it’s first posted and it’s not otherwise on your list of watched PRs, it’s easy to miss forever. This is much less true of discussion threads on Discourse (and of course, such thread updates are a great opportunity for me to re-share in LLVM Weekly!).