[RFC] `llvm-project/offload` roadmap

Noted. As I see it, you want us to go a different way and it seems non-resolvable.
I tried to alleviate some of your early concerns with the encapsulation of features, but it seems that was not enough.
At this point, short of moving to your solution, I am unsure there is anything we can do, is there?
Which means we are either deadlocked or we commit to something and develop from there.
Talking to others again, I believe this RFC has a broad majority backing it.
Rewriting APIs and other things you want to do are obviously not out of the question, we can, and want to still do that as we develop this.


This is odd. Above I see people working on 3+ different programming models targeting 3+ different accelerators supporting this RFC. If we include the original RFC I made, people working on 5+ established and a few researchy programming models have commented positively on the goal and for the most part not objected to the path.

I don’t see why your goal is different from mine or somehow excluded by the proposed path. There is no need to start from scratch to achieve what you are describing.
We can have that exact API and we can use it without OpenMP semantics. The POC shows this nicely.

We talked about this in details for hours, on at least 3 different occasions. I would not describe it as “me not considering it”.

Wrt. downstream users (esp. AMD): Why would you not just keep openmp/libomptarget downstream and the end result is the same for you? No breakage for you downstream even if we change the API and such.

Again, I spend hours talking to multiple AMD people 1-on-1 in addition to the many hours we spend on this in the OpenMP meetings. I walked you personally though the rational multiple times. I also discussed it with others that are now working on documents to discuss in our new meeting (see @jhuber6 post above).

AMD is not the only downstream compiler that uses libomptarget. I am unsure why you would think that. Intel, for example, uses upstream libomptarget with extensions and they regularly apply patches. Their fork is open, you can look. I know of multiple other compilers with (experimental) lowering to libomptarget.
All that said, if your concern is that LLVM/Offload is going to be unstable for your downstream compiler, it should be easy to not opt-in at the beginning. As mentioned above, you can keep libomptarget around and simply ignore LLVM/Offload until you have confidence to switch over.

I don’t see why the proposed path makes it impossible or harder to spend time isolating OpenMP “quirks” after we moved. We would always have a working solution that we can rewrite as we do it right now. Patch after patch it would make OpenMP quirks “opt-in” (as not all non-OpenMP languages would necessarily always want to opt-out of all the features).

I don’t think I understand how one could not have a layer to select the right plugin/adaptor. I mean, you have 4 devices, where is device 3 mapped to the X86 plugin and device 4 to NVIDIA? That said, I can see how you could move other libomptarget capabilities into the plugins if we want to. Linking the plugins into libomptarget statically is already on the TODO list; in case the dynamic loading was your issue with the two libraries.