RISC-V LLVM sync-up call 8th July 2021

For background on these calls, see

Reminder: the purpose is to coordinate between active contributors.
If you have support questions etc then it's best to post to llvm-dev.

We have a call every alternate Thursday at 4pm BST, via
<https://meet.google.com/ske-zcog-spp&gt;\. If you have topics to discuss,
please email me ahead and I can add them to the agenda.

We have a shared calendar that may help in keeping track, which is
accessible at:
* <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/1?cid=bG93cmlzYy5vcmdfMG41cGtlc2ZqY25wMGJoNWhwczFwMGJkODBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ&gt;
* <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/lowrisc.org_0n5pkesfjcnp0bh5hps1p0bd80%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics&gt;


* Relaxed ISA string order, PR for toolchain document
* New Tag_RISCV_reserved_register attribute, PR proposal for psABI
* Mapping symbols, PR proposal for psABI
* [RISCV] Unify the arch string parsing logic to RISCVArchStringParser.
* Constant materialization improvements
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* Target ABI checking and computing patches
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* Revisit: Deducing default march and mabi
* Revisit: Using a pragma for the RVV intrinsics header
