Templated Patterns in PDLL

We are currently looking into PDLL to see if it is a fit for our use case and wanted to use the template functionality that @River707 showed in the MLIR Open Meeting 2021-11-04: PDLL: Frontend Pattern Language for PDL - YouTube at 39:11.

The pattern looked liked this:

template<opName: OpName>
Pattern OpNameTemplatedPattern => erase op<opName>;

As far as I see that is not implemented upstream. Are there plans to bring this in?

Thank you for your help!

Hi everyone!

Just checking in whether there is progress in upstreaming the template feature mentioned in the talk? @River707 @mehdi_amini

As a heads-up I am currently (for the next 2 months or so) working on extensions to PDLL and the corresponding lower level infrastructure. In the first instance I am interested in introducing native constraints with results and improving matching and generation of dictionary attributes.
Feel free to ping me if someone is interested in chatting about this.


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