[tensor dialect] Question about the slicing logic of `tensor.extract_slice`

Hello everyone! I’ve been working with the tensor dialect’s extract_slice operation to emulate PyTorch’s slicing behavior. Consider a PyTorch tensor defined as follows:

x = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
                [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])

To create a slice of this tensor, I use the slice operation like this:

x[:, :1]

and the expected output is

To replicate this behavior, I’ve tried using the tensor.extract_slice operation in my MLIR code:

module {
  func.func @forward(%arg0: tensor<2x5xi64>) -> tensor<2x1xi64> {
    %extracted_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg0[0, 0] [2, 1] [1, 1] : tensor<2x5xi64> to tensor<2x1xi64>
    return %extracted_slice : tensor<2x1xi64>

After executing the above code using ExecutionEngine in MLIR’s Python binding, the result I obtained was:

Unfortunately, this output does not match the one produced by PyTorch.
I think the reason may be that the slicing logic of tensor.extract_slice is different from PyTorch’s. Although the doc here mentions that tensor.extract_slice “extract a tensor from another tensor as specified by the operation’s offsets, sizes and strides arguments”, it doesn’t provide detailed information about the underlying logic for slice extraction (like the order of elements extracting).

Could anyone offer insights into the slicing logic used by tensor.extract_slice or solution to the two mismatch results? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :smile:

It’d be more helpful to diagnose this if you can provide entire IR (before lowering) send to the ExecutionEngine.
I’d check how the stride is lowered at each step.

Thank you for your reply! I lower the above tensor dialect code snippet to llvm dialect, and then run the llvm dialect code using ExecutionEngine. When you mention the IR send to ExecutionEngine, are you referring to the LLVM dialect code?

After further investigation, I’ve discovered that the issue is not caused by MLIR but PyTorch. I will shift my focus to the PyTorch issue.