Unsupported by backend lowering: `torch.operator` op

Hi, Community!

I’m new to the torch-mlir, and I’m trying it with a simple op, but met such error:

error: unsupported by backend lowering: torch.operator op
note: see current operation: %41 = “torch.operator”(%38, %40) {name = “aten.maximum”} : (!torch.tensor<[?,?],f32>, !torch.tensor<[?,?],f32>) → !torch.tensor
note: this is likely due to a missing op that needs to be generated by torch_ods_gen.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/SENSETIME/mupei/Projects/Coder_tvm/torch-mlir/examples/iou_of.py”, line 119, in
compiled = compile_module(mlp_module)
File “/home/SENSETIME/mupei/Projects/Coder_tvm/torch-mlir/examples/iou_of.py”, line 99, in compile_module
RuntimeError: Failure while executing pass pipeline.

As far as I’m concerned, such an error means there’s something wrong in the pass manager of “torch-backend-to-linalg-on-tensors-backend-pipeline”. But I have no idea how to fix that or is there an error with my code?


Here’s the python operator code:

def iou_of(bbox1, bbox2):
    """get iou of two boxes.
        bbox1 array(n, 4): (x1, y1, x2, y2)
        bbox2 array(n, 4): (x1, y1, x2, y2)

    return: the value of iou
    area1 = (bbox1[:, 2] - bbox1[:, 0]) * (bbox1[:, 3] - bbox1[:, 1])
    area2 = (bbox2[:, 2] - bbox2[:, 0]) * (bbox2[:, 3] - bbox2[:, 1])
    lt = np.maximum(bbox1[:, :2], bbox2[:, :2])
    rb = np.minimum(bbox1[:, 2:], bbox2[:, 2:])

    overlap_coord = (rb - lt).clip(0)
    overlap = overlap_coord[:, 0] * overlap_coord[:, 1]
    union = area1 + area2 - overlap

    return overlap / union

Follow with the examples, I have such whole python code(sorry for the long code):

import torch
import torchvision
import numpy as np

from torch_mlir.dialects.torch.importer.jit_ir import ClassAnnotator, ModuleBuilder
from torch_mlir.dialects.torch.importer.jit_ir.torchscript_annotations import extract_annotations
from torch_mlir_e2e_test.torchscript.annotations import annotate_args, export

from torch_mlir.passmanager import PassManager
from torch_mlir_e2e_test.linalg_on_tensors_backends.refbackend import RefBackendLinalgOnTensorsBackend

def iou_of(bbox1, bbox2):
    """get iou of two boxes.
        bbox1 array(n, 4): (x1, y1, x2, y2)
        bbox2 array(n, 4): (x1, y1, x2, y2)

    return: value of iou
    area1 = (bbox1[:, 2] - bbox1[:, 0]) * (bbox1[:, 3] - bbox1[:, 1])
    area2 = (bbox2[:, 2] - bbox2[:, 0]) * (bbox2[:, 3] - bbox2[:, 1])
    lt = np.maximum(bbox1[:, :2], bbox2[:, :2])
    rb = np.minimum(bbox1[:, 2:], bbox2[:, 2:])

    overlap_coord = (rb - lt).clip(0)
    overlap = overlap_coord[:, 0] * overlap_coord[:, 1]
    union = area1 + area2 - overlap

    return overlap / union

class IouOfModule(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        # Reset seed to make model deterministic.
        self.fc0 = torch.nn.Linear(3, 5)
        self.tanh0 = torch.nn.Tanh()

        ([1024, 4], torch.float32, True),
        ([1024, 4], torch.float32, True),
    def forward(self, bbox1, bbox2):
        area1 = (bbox1[:, 2] - bbox1[:, 0]) * (bbox1[:, 3] - bbox1[:, 1])
        area2 = (bbox2[:, 2] - bbox2[:, 0]) * (bbox2[:, 3] - bbox2[:, 1])
        lt = torch.maximum(bbox1[:, :2], bbox2[:, :2])
        rb = torch.minimum(bbox1[:, 2:], bbox2[:, 2:])

        overlap_coord = (rb - lt).clip(0)
        overlap = overlap_coord[:, 0] * overlap_coord[:, 1]
        union = area1 + area2 - overlap

        return overlap / union

# BACKEND = LinalgOnTensorsTosaBackend()
BACKEND = RefBackendLinalgOnTensorsBackend()

def compile_module(program: torch.nn.Module):
    """Compiles a torch.nn.Module into an compiled artifact.

    This artifact is suitable for inclusion in a user's application. It only
    depends on the rebackend runtime.
    ## Script the program.
    scripted = torch.jit.script(program)

    ## Extract annotations.
    class_annotator = ClassAnnotator()
    extract_annotations(program, scripted, class_annotator)

    ## Import the TorchScript module into MLIR.
    mb = ModuleBuilder()
    mb.import_module(scripted._c, class_annotator)
    print("-------------------------------init IR-------------------------------")

    ## Lower the MLIR from TorchScript to RefBackend, passing through linalg-on-tensors.
    pm = PassManager.parse('torchscript-module-to-torch-backend-pipeline', mb.module.context)

    pm = PassManager.parse('torch-backend-to-linalg-on-tensors-backend-pipeline', mb.module.context)

    # pm = PassManager.parse('builtin.func(convert-torch-to-linalg)', mb.module.context)
    # pm.run(mb.module)
    # print("-------------------------------test2-------------------------------")
    # mb.module.dump()

    ## Invoke RefBackend to compile to compiled artifact form.
    compiled_module = BACKEND.compile(mb.module)
    return compiled_module

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mlp_module = IouOfModule()
    # Create the module and compile it.
    compiled = compile_module(mlp_module)
    # compiled.dump()
    # Loads the compiled artifact into the runtime
    jit_module = BACKEND.load(compiled)
    # Run it!
    jit_module.forward(torch.rand(1024, 4).numpy(), torch.rand(1024, 4).numpy())

Should be working soon, stay tuned in Unsupported by backend lowering: `torch.operator` op · Issue #380 · llvm/torch-mlir · GitHub :slight_smile:
