Zurich LLVM Social - Thursday December 8, 2016

Dear all,

we organize a "LLVM Compiler and Code Generation Social" on
Thursday December 8th at ETH Zurich and invite you to attend.

# Registration


# What

A social meetup to discuss compilation and code generation,
with a special focus on LLVM, clang, Polly and related projects.

Our primary focus is to provide a venue (and drinks & snacks)
that enables free discussions between interested people
without imposing an agenda/program. This is a great
opportunity to informally discuss your own projects,
get project ideas or just learn about what people at
ETH and around Zurich are doing with LLVM and compilation
in general.

# TechTalk @ LLVMSocial Zurich

Transparent Live Code Offloading on FPGA - Alberto Dassatti

FPGAs are not first class computing devices nor easy to use
accelerators. Hardware is becoming available, but two main factors are
restricting massive adoption of FPGAs: software programmers cannot use
them and the actual design flow is completely unfit for being integrated
in the standard development process of software products. In this talk
we will introduce TFA [1], our approach to solve these issues leveraging
the LLVM infrastructure.

Alberto Dassatti is professor at REDS Institute, HES-SO University of
Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland.

[1] TFA

[2] www.reds.ch

# Who: - Anybody interested -

  - ETH students and staff
  - LLVM developers and enthusiasts external to ETH

# When: December 8th, 19:00

# Where: CAB E 72

# What is LLVM ?

LLVM (http://www.llvm.org) is an open source project that provides
a collection of modular compiler and toolchain technologies. It is
centered around a modern SSA-based compiler around which an entire
ecosystem of compiler technology was developed. Most well know is
the clang C++ compiler, which is e.g. used to deploy iOS. Beyond this
a diverse set of projects is developed under the umbrella of LLVM.
These include code generators and assemblers for various interesting
architectures, a jit compiler, a debugger, run-time libraries (C++
Standard Library, OpenMP, Opencl library), program sanity checkers,
and many more.

LLVM has itself grown out of a research project more than 10 years ago
and is the base of many exciting research projects today:


See you soon,
Tobias Grosser