18.1.5 Released!

We are happy to announce that LLVM 18.1.5 is now released!

This includes the main LLVM project, and its subprojects including clang, lld, libc++, and MLIR.

Release Notes

  • Fixed an incorrect type inference during RISC-V instruction selection, which causes an assertion failure when trying to fold selects into their operands.
  • Fixes a X86 bug introduced during LLVM18, which crashes when compiling some bit vector with AVX512.
  • Fixes a Clang assertion failure caused by emitting gap coverage mapping regions between statements with <invalid sloc>.
  • Fixed an issue with the counted_by attribute on a flexible array member in an inner struct.
  • Fix an issue in previous dot releases, with a critical slowdown on analyzing code hashing or doing many array accesses. This bug did not affect previous major releases. See the details at issue #89045.
  • Restores clang-format behavior that always breaks before a stream insertion operator (<<) when both operands are string literals.
  • Fixes clang-format regressions in annotating initialization list braces and trailing return type arrow, and breaking after the block comment before a function argument.
  • Fixed a crash in security.cert.env.InvalidPtr checker when accidentally
    matched user-defined strerror and similar library functions.
    (#88181 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/88181>_)


Find sources and binaries on GitHub .

A note on binaries

Binaries for the LLVM project are made by volunteers and will be uploaded when they have had time to test and build these binaries. They might not be available directly or not at all for each release. We suggest you use the binaries from your distribution or build your own if you rely on a specific platform or configuration.

Next release

Next release will be 18.1.6 on the 14th of May. 18.1.6 will likely be the last 18.1.x release. Please file issues you find in 18.1.5 in the 18.x milestone .

Full Changelog

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