CANCELLED RISC-V LLVM sync-up call 2nd September 2021

We'd normally be having a call at 4pm BST today, but I feel we don't
have enough agenda items that we can usefully progress in a call for
it to be worthwhile - therefore I'll cancel this time, but enclose a
list of patches / external PRs that the usual attendees may want to
look .

If you subscribed to the shared calendar, you should see a note the
call is cancelled.

Let's aim to sync up again in two weeks on September 16th.

As always, if you do have topics you'd like to put on the agenda,
please do email me ahead of time.

In terms of ongoing reviews or external PRs to highlight:
* Craig started a discussion about aspects of the RVV implementation
that may want to be revisited
<⚙ D108694 [RISCV] Add the zvl extension according to the v1.0 spec;
* Support for relaxing out of range conditional branches (and if this
is a direction we want to go in) <Login;
* Enabling shrink wrapping by default
<Login; (if you have large test suites /
code bases, please test)
* Kito posted a PR to document R_RISCV_ALIGN in the psABI spec

