Commit descriptions do not have most recent description from PR

This commit:
[[lldb] Fix assert in ScriptedProcess destructor (#71744) · llvm/llvm-project@0adbde6 · GitHub]

Has the description from the pull request.
[[lldb] Fix assert in ScriptedProcess destructor by medismailben · Pull Request #71744 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub]

which has the final paragraph

This patch address that issue by setting a flag when destroying the
ScriptedProcess object, and checks that flag when calling IsAlive.

However I believe the author’s intent was to have the description in one of the commits in the PR:
[[lldb] Fix assert in ScriptedProcess destructor by medismailben · Pull Request #71744 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub]

with the final paragraph:

This patch address that issue by returning early in the Scripted Process
destructor, and not call Finalize, if the interface pointer is not valid.

It looks like we have lost information. cc @medismailben

This is on the author to ensure the PR description reflects the intent: this is what the reviewers are supposed to review and request changes on if not accurate.

My PR descriptions typically include both the draft commit message as well as some meta commentary (e.g. highlighting to reviewers which bits I’d most like feedback on). I don’t think GitHub has a feature to allow separating these (beyond immediately posting a comment with the non-commit-message stuff in).

Does anyone else run into this, or am I just doing it wrong? I should probably try to use the --- separator to more cleanly separate the two, and make it easier to delete the “comments for reviewers” bits.

I usually add any meta commentary as a separate comment on the PR just after creating it.