This commit:
[[lldb] Fix assert in ScriptedProcess destructor (#71744) · llvm/llvm-project@0adbde6 · GitHub]
Has the description from the pull request.
[[lldb] Fix assert in ScriptedProcess destructor by medismailben · Pull Request #71744 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub]
which has the final paragraph
This patch address that issue by setting a flag when destroying the
ScriptedProcess object, and checks that flag when callingIsAlive
However I believe the author’s intent was to have the description in one of the commits in the PR:
[[lldb] Fix assert in ScriptedProcess destructor by medismailben · Pull Request #71744 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub]
with the final paragraph:
This patch address that issue by returning early in the Scripted Process
destructor, and not callFinalize
, if the interface pointer is not valid.
It looks like we have lost information. cc @medismailben