Lost commit mails


I just realized non of Patrik's commit mails has every reached llvm-commits. Neither my own archive nor the web interface contains commit messages for any of his commits. The relevant commits are

168785, 168516, 168507, 167924, 157381, 157323, 157320, 157319, 157184

Does anybody have any idea why those commit mails would get lost? Or did I just overlook something?



For what it's worth, I've also both "not received" a some email and been getting a _lot_ (5-6 within last month) of messages recently asking for "reactivation due to excessive bounces" related to the llvm & cfe commits lists. Now this _may_ be an issue in the systems after it's left the cs.uiuc.edu mailer, but FWIW the people in charge of monitoring the mail delivery deny anything has been happening within our systems. At the moment I don't know where the problem is. So I'll just report this in case people with other mail systems are experiencing similar issues, which might indicate a more central problem.


IIRC, the last time we saw such behavior was because the committer email did not match the email he used to subscribe to the llvm-commits list.

-- Jean-Daniel

Jean-Daniel, thanks for the pointer.

@Patrik: would you mind to check if you are subscribed with your ericsson email address? It would be nice to see your commit mails.


@Patrik: would you mind to check if you are subscribed with your ericsson email address?

As far as I can see, I'm subscribed to llvm-commits with the same email address used in commits (I get buildbot failure emails to the same mail account as llvm-commits messages). (BTW, why should my subscription status to llvm-commits matter?)

It would be nice to see your commit mails.

Yes, indeed. :slight_smile: Unfortunately, I can't tell what's wrong.

/Patrik Hägglund

llvm-commits is a moderated list, so emails from non-subscribers bounce. The svn commit hook that sends out the commit email uses your SVN email. If the emails don’t match, the emails will get routed to the bitbucket.


I've seen this too some half a dozen times over the past year. It was supposed to be fixed at the receiving end after the first notification, yet it kept happening. I thought it was the high volume that kept confusing the anti-spam heuristics, but perhaps the problem is at UIUC end after all.


Hi Chris and John,

You are listed as administrators for llvm-commits. Can you provide some help in this issue: that my LLVM svn commit messages do not reach llvm-commits?

/Patrik Hägglund

Hi Chris and John,

You are listed as administrators for llvm-commits. Can you provide some help in this issue: that my LLVM svn commit messages do not reach llvm-commits?

My guess: the mailer may have issues with the non-ascii character "ä" in your name.

See also http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/llvm-commits/Week-of-Mon-20080428/061915.html

- Ben

Yes, that's almost certainly the problem. I changed it to "a", please try a test commit to see if it works now.


Success at r168899. Thanks!

/Patrik Hägglund

Great. Thanks a lot for fixing this so fast.

@Chris: Could you also fix "Jan Sjödin"? He is the only other person
         with special characters I could find. His mails also got lost.


Yep, done. Thanks,
