Official Mascot for LLVM

Hi! I was browsing some programming mascot plushies for fun and noticed the absence of any LLVM stuffed wyvern; i looked a bit and only found a discourse in the forum and a redesign of the logo proposed 2 years ago which I also couldn’t find any update on. I think it would be nice to have a real mascot instead of just the vague image of a wyvern as logo, complete with name, some references and maybe merchandise (eventually). If someone could enlighten me on what the logo situation is like and if anyone would be up for having such a kind of presence which is less threatening (because many on the logo redesign thread pointed out that LLVM should target hobbyists as well and the formal logo would be impractical)

thanks :slight_smile:

Hello! We updated the dragon/wyvern logo a few years ago to the one you see here:

I also attempted to have a plushie made and unfortunately, it was an epic failure. I’ll include a photo here because it was months of process and a really sad/frustrating outcome.

If anyone has a company that they can recommend that will do a good job AND also can do small batch production, let me know.


If there is specific merchandise you are interested, please let us know. We do fundraising through merchandise sales at our events, but eventually hope to also do online. Right now, we have a few things on Bonfire, but it’s not our complete line that we have at our events.

I think the wyvern needs a name, preferably which starts with “ll”


Lloyd? Llewelyn?? Llangollen???

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I thought of Lilevam (/ˌlilˠˑˈvɑm/) because it contains the Letters in order and is perhaps gender-neutral; although it doesn’t contain the ll /ɬ/ typical for gaelic

I will sketch up a ref sheet later so we could work off something

Maybe we need a secondary mascot that’s easier to make into a stuffed animal. A llama seems like the obvious choice.


biLL noVuM” is a strong name for a Wyvern.

I made a few little concept drawings