RTSC - Real-Time Systems Compiler

Hello Everyone,

We are using the LLVM infrastructure inside the RTSC, a operating system aware compiler used for research in the field of real-time systems.
For further information please check out our website:

In the future we would like to use this new logo for our project:

Since we directly modified the LLVM-wyvern we aren't sure if this is covered by the usage rights on your logo.
Could you please clarify if there is a problem with us using the wyvern in our logo(s)?

We would also be honoured if you would list us on the users-page on llvm.org.

Thank you very much,

Hello again,

since I am back from my holidays and there is still no reply to my post, I was wondering if there is no further interest in new projects using the LLVM framework or if it was just overlooked.

I know that the copyright question is probably a tough one (therefore we couldn't decide it for ourselves), but we somehow expected to get some feedback or being listed on http://llvm.org/ProjectsWithLLVM

Thanks for answers,

Hello again,

since I am back from my holidays and there is still no reply to my post, I was wondering if there is no further interest in new projects using the LLVM framework or if it was just overlooked.

It was just overlooked. If you don't get a response right away, feel free to ping as you've done here.

I know that the copyright question is probably a tough one (therefore we couldn't decide it for ourselves), but we somehow expected to get some feedback or being listed on http://llvm.org/ProjectsWithLLVM

If you can write some text for the projects page, I can add it for you. I can also add an entry on the Users page (http://llvm.org/Users.html) if you would like that as well.

As for the logo, I'm not the person to ask. Someone else will have to answer that question for you.

-- John T.

Dear Tobias,

Is the attached patch for the LLVM User's page acceptable to you?

-- John T.

userpatch (664 Bytes)

Hello John,

Thank you very much for your fast response and the patch.

Is it possible to add Fabian Scheler and Florian Franzmann to the people section as proposed in the attached patch?

I hope to manage to write a description for the 'ProjectsWithLLVM' page this week and send it to the list.

Thanks again,

userpatch (699 Bytes)


As announced earlier, here comes our project description.

It would be great if you could add it to llvm.org!


Done here:

Sending ProjectsWithLLVM/index.html
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 192528.


Hello John,

Thank you very much for your fast response and the patch.

Is it possible to add Fabian Scheler and Florian Franzmann to the people section as proposed in the attached patch?

Done, and the patch is committed.

Thanks, Bill, for adding the ProjectsWithLLVM entry.

-- John T.

Thank you both very much!

Now there is only the copyright issue remains unresolved.

Does anybody know the person, who designed it initially?
Thanks in advance!

Thank you both very much!

Now there is only the copyright issue remains unresolved.

Does anybody know the person, who designed it initially?

I don't have an answer to your logo question. I suggest posting a new email to the list. Someone who knows may answer.

Also try the IRC channel.

-- John T.

John Criswell wrote: