Open MLIR Meeting 2/3/2022: Reviews of current Discourse topics

This Thursday 2/3 ( (9am California Time, 17:00 UTC) at the MLIR Open Design Meeting, we will review some of the recent discussions on Discourse.
@River707 proposes to discuss some remaining refactoring around the standard dialect and in particular the future of FuncOp.
We can also touch on [RFC] Arith dialect versions of affine.apply/min/max (@nicolasvasilache / @pifon2a ).
And there is also a proposal to bring Fast-Math Flags to MLIR that we could talk a bit about (@jfurtek).

Feel free to bring your own questions! We may run out of topic to discuss :slight_smile:

As usual the information to join the meeting:
‪+1 218-301-8485‬ PIN: ‪255 745‬#

This thread will also be updated with the recording after the meeting.

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