PR43374 - when should comparing NaN values raise a floating point exception?


I’ve been investigating, which is about clang/llvm producing code that triggers a floating point exception when x is NaN, when targeting ARM, in the below code example.

int bar(float x) {
return x!=x ? 0 : 1;

The C99 standard states in section 7.12.14:

The relational and equality operators support the usual mathematical relationships between numeric values. For any ordered pair of numeric values exactly one of the relationships — less, greater, and equal — is true. Relational operators may raise the ‘‘invalid’’ floating-point exception when argument values are NaNs.

My interpretation of that paragraph is that it’s OK for <, <=, > and >= to raise an exception when argument values are NaNs. It is not OK for == an != to raise an exception when argument values are NaNs.


int bar(float x) {
return x!=x ? 0 : 1;

should not produce an exception when x is NaN, and hence a vcmp rather than vcmpe instruction should be produced when generating ARM code for this. introduced support for generating vcmp instead of vcmpe for equality comparisons. How come vcmpe is generated for (x!=x)?

The answer is that InstCombine transforms the equality comparison into an "ordered comparison”. Before InstCombine:
define dso_local i32 @bar(float %x) local_unnamed_addr {
%cmp = fcmp une float %x, %x
%cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 0, i32 1
ret i32 %cond

After InstCombine:

define dso_local i32 @bar(float %x) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
%cmp = fcmp ord float %x, 0.000000e+00
%cond = zext i1 %cmp to i32
ret i32 %cond

Please note that on other backends like x86 or AArch64, this InstCombine doesn’t trigger floating point exception behaviour since those backends don’t seem to be producing any instructions for fcmp that raise floating point exceptions on NaNs.

My question here is: how to fix this behaviour? Or: which part in the compilation flow is wrong?
Reading through various standards and specifications, I’m getting confused to what the best fix would be:

  • states "The default LLVM floating-point environment assumes that floating-point instructions do not have side effects. Results assume the round-to-nearest rounding mode. No floating-point exception state is maintained in this environment. Therefore, there is no attempt to create or preserve invalid operation (SNaN) or division-by-zero exceptions.”
    This suggests that if we want to retain floating point exception behaviour in the compilation flow, we shouldn’t be using the “default LLVM floating-point environment”, but rather something else. Presumably the constrained intrinsics? However, when I look at the constrained intrinsics definition, it seems ( there is no constrained intrinsic for the floating point comparison operation. Should there be one?
  • If the default floating-point environment assumes that floating-point instructions do not have side effects, why does the Arm backend lower floating point comparison to vcmpe rather than vcmp? The revision history suggests this has been this way since the initial creation of the ARM backend. Should this behaviour be changed and vcmp be produced rather than vcmpe? And only later, once the generation of constrained floating point intrinsics is implemented should backends start producing signalling floating point comparisons for floating point comparison constrained intrinsics (assuming they’ll exist by then)?
  • Or alternatively, there is a good reason to keep on producing vcmpe as is today, and instcombine just shouldn’t convert “fcmp une” into “fcmp ord”?
  • Or as yet another alternative, instcombine is just fine converting “fcmp une” into “fcmp ord”, and it’s the ARM backend that should produce vcmp rather than vcmpe also for “unordered” comparisons, next to equality comparisons?



Let’s change the example to eliminate suspects:
#include <math.h>

int is_nan(float x) {
The following subclauses provide macros that are quiet (non floating-point exception raising)

versions of the relational operators, and other comparison macros that facilitate writing

efficient code that accounts for NaNs without suffering the ‘‘invalid’’ floating-point exception.

return isunordered(x, x);

The comment text is from 7.12.14 of the C standard draft. I’m hoping to avoid any scenario under which it is ok to raise an exception in that code (eliminate any questions about the clang front-end behavior / FENV_ACCESS).

As IR from clang with no optimization, this becomes a bunch of load/store with:
%cmp = fcmp uno double %conv, %conv1

Ok, so far? “fcmp uno” - :
uno: yields true if either operand is a QNAN.

EarlyCSE/InstCombine reduce that fcmp to:
%cmp = fcmp uno float %x, 0.000000e+00

Still good? Same fcmp predicate, but we replaced a repeated use of “%x” with a zero constant to aid optimization.

Now, send the optimized IR to codegen:
define i32 @is_nan(float %x) {
%cmp = fcmp uno float %x, 0.000000e+00
%r = zext i1 %cmp to i32
ret i32 %r

$ llc -o - fpexception.ll -mtriple=armv7a

vmov s0, r0
mov r0, #0
vcmpe.f32 s0, s0
vmrs APSR_nzcv, fpscr
movwvs r0, #1
bx lr

We produced “vcmpe” for code that should never cause an FP exception. ARM codegen bug?


I’ve been investigating 43374 – arm: silent == and != and __builtin_isnan compile to signaling compare, which is about clang/llvm producing code that triggers a floating point exception when x is NaN, when targeting ARM, in the below code example.

int bar(float x) {
  return x!=x ? 0 : 1;

The C99 standard states in section 7.12.14:

The relational and equality operators support the usual mathematical relationships between numeric values. For any ordered pair of numeric values exactly one of the relationships — less, greater, and equal — is true. Relational operators may raise the ‘‘invalid’’ floating-point exception when argument values are NaNs.

My interpretation of that paragraph is that it's OK for <, <=, > and >= to raise an exception when argument values are NaNs. It is not OK for == an != to raise an exception when argument values are NaNs.


int bar(float x) {
  return x!=x ? 0 : 1;

should not produce an exception when x is NaN, and hence a vcmp rather than vcmpe instruction should be produced when generating ARM code for this. introduced support for generating vcmp instead of vcmpe for equality comparisons. How come vcmpe is generated for (x!=x)?

The answer is that InstCombine transforms the equality comparison into an "ordered comparison”. Before InstCombine:
define dso_local i32 @bar(float %x) local_unnamed_addr {
  %cmp = fcmp une float %x, %x
  %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 0, i32 1
  ret i32 %cond

After InstCombine:
define dso_local i32 @bar(float %x) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
  %cmp = fcmp ord float %x, 0.000000e+00
  %cond = zext i1 %cmp to i32
  ret i32 %cond

Please note that on other backends like x86 or AArch64, this InstCombine doesn’t trigger floating point exception behaviour since those backends don’t seem to be producing any instructions for fcmp that raise floating point exceptions on NaNs.

My question here is: how to fix this behaviour? Or: which part in the compilation flow is wrong?
Reading through various standards and specifications, I’m getting confused to what the best fix would be:

LLVM Language Reference Manual — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation states "The default LLVM floating-point environment assumes that floating-point instructions do not have side effects. Results assume the round-to-nearest rounding mode. No floating-point exception state is maintained in this environment. Therefore, there is no attempt to create or preserve invalid operation (SNaN) or division-by-zero exceptions.”
This suggests that if we want to retain floating point exception behaviour in the compilation flow, we shouldn’t be using the “default LLVM floating-point environment”, but rather something else. Presumably the constrained intrinsics? However, when I look at the constrained intrinsics definition, it seems (LLVM Language Reference Manual — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation) there is no constrained intrinsic for the floating point comparison operation. Should there be one?

Yes, there should be a number of constrained FP compares. Work had
started on this, but was sidelined. I believe that Kevin took over
this work. Kevin?

Ulrich offered to do it instead since I expect he can get it done much faster than me. Instead I'm doing SIToFP and UIToFP. Ulrich said he wasn't going to be able to get to it for a couple of weeks, but that was a week or two ago.


Thank you very much Sanjay for this analysis.

I indeed also think that vcmpe should not be produced for regular fcmp LLVM-IR instructions.
Maybe it should be produced for constrained FP compare intrinsics, when those get introduced.

I’ve put up a patch for review at to no longer produce vcmpe but instead vcmp in the Arm backend.



* Sanjay Patel via llvm-dev <> [2019-10-01 09:44:54 -0400]:

Let's change the example to eliminate suspects:
  #include <math.h>
  int is_nan(float x) {
      The following subclauses provide macros that are quiet (non
floating-point exception raising)
      versions of the relational operators, and other comparison macros
that facilitate writing
      efficient code that accounts for NaNs without suffering the
‘‘invalid’’ floating-point exception.
    return isunordered(x, x);

The comment text is from 7.12.14 of the C standard draft. I'm hoping to
avoid any scenario under which it is ok to raise an exception in that code
(eliminate any questions about the clang front-end behavior / FENV_ACCESS).

isunordered (like isnan) is a different operation from x!=x,
in particular it does not signal even on signaling nans
while x!=x does.

As IR from clang with no optimization, this becomes a bunch of load/store
  %cmp = fcmp uno double %conv, %conv1

Ok, so far? "fcmp uno" - LLVM Language Reference Manual — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation
uno: yields true if either operand is a QNAN.

why is that ok?

here you need an unordered-not-equal, but got an unordered-compare,
the former is a silent ieee754 operation the latter is signaling.

as noted earlier this is wrong for signaling nans, because any fcmp
would signal for them, but the lack of snan support can be forgiven,
however here even qnans fail to remain silent, that's a bug.

EarlyCSE/InstCombine reduce that fcmp to:
  %cmp = fcmp uno float %x, 0.000000e+00

Still good? Same fcmp predicate, but we replaced a repeated use of "%x"
with a zero constant to aid optimization.

no, this is different from even x!=x not to mention isunordered(x,x).

clang does not support FENV_ACCESS but repeatedly claimed in relevant
bug reports that users who care should use -O0, but it seems to create
broken compares even at -O0, so there is no way to get c99 conforming

Now, send the optimized IR to codegen:
define i32 @is_nan(float %x) {
  %cmp = fcmp uno float %x, 0.000000e+00
  %r = zext i1 %cmp to i32
  ret i32 %r

$ llc -o - fpexception.ll -mtriple=armv7a
  vmov s0, r0
  mov r0, #0
  vcmpe.f32 s0, s0
  vmrs APSR_nzcv, fpscr
  movwvs r0, #1
  bx lr

We produced "vcmpe" for code that should never cause an FP exception. ARM
codegen bug?

sorry, the arm code gen is right here, the bug is in clang.

Let’s change the example to eliminate suspects:
#include <math.h>
int is_nan(float x) {
The following subclauses provide macros that are quiet (non
floating-point exception raising)
versions of the relational operators, and other comparison macros
that facilitate writing
efficient code that accounts for NaNs without suffering the
‘‘invalid’’ floating-point exception.
return isunordered(x, x);

The comment text is from 7.12.14 of the C standard draft. I’m hoping to
avoid any scenario under which it is ok to raise an exception in that code
(eliminate any questions about the clang front-end behavior / FENV_ACCESS).

isunordered (like isnan) is a different operation from x!=x,
in particular it does not signal even on signaling nans
while x!=x does.

As IR from clang with no optimization, this becomes a bunch of load/store
%cmp = fcmp uno double %conv, %conv1

Ok, so far? “fcmp uno” -
uno: yields true if either operand is a QNAN.

why is that ok?

Because there are no FP exceptions/signals for this IR opcode:

AFAIK, the problem has been resolved with: (committed at r374025)

here you need an unordered-not-equal, but got an unordered-compare,
the former is a silent ieee754 operation the latter is signaling.

as noted earlier this is wrong for signaling nans, because any fcmp
would signal for them, but the lack of snan support can be forgiven,
however here even qnans fail to remain silent, that’s a bug.

EarlyCSE/InstCombine reduce that fcmp to:
%cmp = fcmp uno float %x, 0.000000e+00

Still good? Same fcmp predicate, but we replaced a repeated use of “%x”
with a zero constant to aid optimization.

no, this is different from even x!=x not to mention isunordered(x,x).

clang does not support FENV_ACCESS but repeatedly claimed in relevant
bug reports that users who care should use -O0, but it seems to create
broken compares even at -O0, so there is no way to get c99 conforming

I understand why someone may have suggested -O0 as a work-around, but as you’ve noted, that’s not a complete solution to the problem. You likely need:

* Sanjay Patel <> [2019-10-08 08:07:10 -0400]:

Not sure. I thought we solved the problems for all of the examples given so far.

Do you have an end-to-end (C source to asm) example that shows a bug? Please cite the C language law that is violated (add cfe-dev if there’s a front-end bug?).

* Sanjay Patel <> [2019-10-08 09:03:53 -0400]:

> * Sanjay Patel <> [2019-10-08 08:07:10 -0400]:
> > > why is that ok?
> > >
> >
> > Because there are no FP exceptions/signals for this IR opcode:
> > LLVM Language Reference Manual — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation
> so llvm cannot support an iso c frontend on an ieee754 target?
> (or fortran for that matter)

Not sure. I thought we solved the problems for all of the examples given so
Do you have an end-to-end (C source to asm) example that shows a bug?
Please cite the C language law that is violated (add cfe-dev if there's a
front-end bug?).

anything that should observably raise a floating-point exception
does not work if llvm only provides silent operations or ignores
fenv side-effects during lowering, e.g.

int cmp(float x, float y)
  return x < y;

is lowered to fcmp olt which you say should be silent:

define dso_local i32 @cmp(float %0, float %1) #0 {
  %3 = alloca float, align 4
  %4 = alloca float, align 4
  store float %0, float* %3, align 4
  store float %1, float* %4, align 4
  %5 = load float, float* %3, align 4
  %6 = load float, float* %4, align 4
  %7 = fcmp olt float %5, %6
  %8 = zext i1 %7 to i32
  ret i32 %8

this is observably non-iso c conform so clang miscompiles
math libraries written in c (math functions are required
to report errors by signaling floating-point exceptions).

it also does not support snan, but that's not strictly
required by iso c.

this is observably non-iso c conform so clang miscompiles
math libraries written in c (math functions are required
to report errors by signaling floating-point exceptions).

In both C99 and C11, IEEE 754 support (or rather IEC 60559 as it calls it)
is described in annex F, and is optional. Clang doesn't support annex F,
and so doesn't define __STDC_IEC_559__.

So yes, clang may miscompile code that relies on IEEE 754 behaviour (as
described in C99/C11 annex F). This means it cannot be used to reliably
compile math libraries that report errors by exceptions (e.g.
implementations of math.h functions where math_errhandling is set to


* Sanjay Patel <> [2019-10-08 09:03:53 -0400]:
> > * Sanjay Patel <> [2019-10-08 08:07:10 -0400]:
> > > > why is that ok?
> > > >
> > >
> > > Because there are no FP exceptions/signals for this IR opcode:
> > > LLVM Language Reference Manual — LLVM 18.0.0git documentation
> >
> > so llvm cannot support an iso c frontend on an ieee754 target?
> > (or fortran for that matter)
> >
> Not sure. I thought we solved the problems for all of the examples given so
> far.
> Do you have an end-to-end (C source to asm) example that shows a bug?
> Please cite the C language law that is violated (add cfe-dev if there's a
> front-end bug?).

anything that should observably raise a floating-point exception
does not work if llvm only provides silent operations or ignores
fenv side-effects during lowering, e.g.

int cmp(float x, float y)
        return x < y;

<source>:1:14: warning: pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON is not supported,
ignoring pragma [-Wunknown-pragmas]
1 warning generated.

You want strict-FP support, which is mostly there on the LLVM side of things,
but is not there on clang side of things - ⚙ D62731 Add support for options -frounding-math, -ftrapping-math, -ffp-model=, and -ffp-exception-behavior=, : Specify floating point behavior e.g.


is lowered to fcmp olt which you say should be silent:

define dso_local i32 @cmp(float %0, float %1) #0 {
  %3 = alloca float, align 4
  %4 = alloca float, align 4
  store float %0, float* %3, align 4
  store float %1, float* %4, align 4
  %5 = load float, float* %3, align 4
  %6 = load float, float* %4, align 4
  %7 = fcmp olt float %5, %6
  %8 = zext i1 %7 to i32
  ret i32 %8

this is observably non-iso c conform so clang miscompiles
math libraries written in c (math functions are required
to report errors by signaling floating-point exceptions).

This should go to cfe-dev.

> Ulrich offered to do it instead since I expect he can get it done
> much faster than me. Instead I'm doing SIToFP and UIToFP. Ulrich
> said he wasn't going to be able to get to it for a couple of weeks,
> but that was a week or two ago.

Sorry for the late reply, I've been traveling ...

Yes, I'll start looking into strict FP comparisons. One issue is
indeed that we'll need to support both signaling and non-signaling

My prefered solution would probably be to have two sets of strict
intrinsics, one for signaling compares and one for non-signaling
ones, implement those in the back-ends using the appropriate set
of signaling vs. non-signaling instructions, and then leave it to
the front-end to chose which of the two to use when, in order to
implement the semantics mandated by the language standard.

(Note that for the default LLVM compare IR instructions, those
-like all floating-point instructions- are considered to only
be used in contexts where FP exceptions are ignored, and therefore
the signaling vs. non-signaling distinction is meaningless for
those IR instructions.)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ulrich. The approach described above seems to make sense to me.