[RFC] Proposed Changes to Clang's Code Ownership

During the discussion about new patch review tooling and procedures, Chris Lattner brought up some valid concerns about how much code review responsibility is falling to a fairly small group of people. This was partially in the context of “how do we get more reviewers”, but it’s also a risk factor when it comes to code owners because they have more architectural knowledge of the code they own and thus some more expectations from the community around code review duties. Simply put, there’s a question of whether we’re putting too many eggs into too few baskets with our current code ownership model and are the current code owners still active in their roles. So I think we should update our code ownership accordingly to account for this.

To that end, I propose that we split up code ownership duties in Clang to have some more granularity and select appropriate, active contributors in that area as their owners.

(I have already reached out to everyone I’ve nominated for a position to confirm that they’re interested and feel capable of taking on that role, and I contacted the few people who I propose replacing to confirm that they agree a change is appropriate.)


  • Clang CMake: Chandler Carruth → Petr Hosek and John Ericson
  • Clang Static Analyzer: adding Gábor Horváth in addition to the existing owner Artem Dergachev
  • Clang Analysis & CFG: nobody → Dmitri Gribenko, Stanislav Gatev, and Yitzhak Mandelbaum
  • Clang LLVM IR generation: adding Eli Friedman in addition to the existing owner John McCall
  • Clang Compiler Options: nobody → Jan Svoboda
  • Clang Modules & Serialization: nobody → Chuanqi Xu and Michael Spencer
  • Clang Formatting: nobody → MyDeveloperDay and Owen Pan
  • Clang Driver parts not covered by someone else: nobody → Fangrui Song
  • Clang Attributes: Aaron Ballman → Erich Keane
  • Clang Text Encodings (lexer, diagnostic output, etc): nobody → Corentin Jabot and Tom Honermann
  • Clang Templates: nobody → Erich Keane
  • Itanium ABI: nobody → John McCall
  • Clang Objective-C Conformance: nobody → John McCall
  • Clang C++ Standards Conformance: nobody → Hubert Tong
  • Clang C Standards Conformance: nobody → Aaron Ballman
  • clang-tidy: Alexander Kornienko → Nathan James
  • All parts of Clang not covered by someone else: Richard Smith → Aaron Ballman

I’d also like to make Richard Smith an Emeritus Owner, the same as we did for Doug Gregor when he stepped out of the code owner role.

The goal is to spread the work around so that there is more coverage for code reviews over a wider area of topics that contributors (especially newer ones) may need help with. Note, I have nominated myself as the Clang code owner and C Standards Conformance owner; if you’re uncomfortable with either of those nominations, please say something! I tried to pick people who I’ve seen performing a significant number of code reviews in the given area, but if you have ideas for different or additional code owners, please suggest them!

This will be the first time we’ve really had the notion of more than one code owner for a component. My expectation is that code owners work together to resolve any concerns between them and pull in other code owners if there’s something contentious needing more viewpoints to achieve consensus. However, the goal of having multiple code owners is to ensure there’s coverage for code review duties and other community needs.

To make it a bit easier to see the new proposed state of ownership in Clang, I have posted the following patch to Phabricator at: ⚙ D132550 Changes to code ownership in clang and clang-tidy


Discourse limits you to mentioning 10 people per post, so I’m tagging folks in the comments for their awareness.

@chandlerc @petrhosek @Ericson2314 @Xazax-hun @NoQ
@gribozavr @sgatev @efriedma-quic @rjmccall @jansvoboda11

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Discourse limits you to mentioning 10 people per post, so I’m tagging folks in the comments for their awareness.

@ChuanqiXu @Bigcheese @mydeveloperday @owenpan @MaskRay
@erichkeane @cor3ntin @tahonermann @reinterpretcast @njames93

Discourse limits you to mentioning 10 people per post, so I’m tagging folks in the comments for their awareness.

@AaronBallman @zygoloid

I just wanted to share that I think this is an awesome initiative. Thank you!


+1, this proposal looks great to me.


This seems fine to me.

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I would like to propose myself for the areas of templates, type deduction and related areas of AST / Sema.


Thank you @AaronBallman for this initiative, and for stepping up and volunteering to take over as fallback Clang owner! These changes look good to me and I’m happy to see that Clang is in good hands going forward.


Great initiative, thanks for making this happen!

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I’m good with this - I was trying to keep the driver going and any other help here is great. You can leave me as a backup if you’d like. :slight_smile:

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Thank you Richard! Your hard work and incredible depth of knowledge have helped fundamentally shape Clang into a great compiler, and your kindness and patience while doing so have set a fantastic example to try to live up to. Thank you for everything, and I hope we still see you around from time to time!


Thank you for the offer! We chatted about this off-list and decided against it for the moment but have a plan in place for the future.

Thank you for the support and your offer! Eric and I spoke off-list about this and we have a plan in place for the future.

Richard you’re a legend and I really hope you can find time to poke your head in around here whenever you have a chance.


I believe this should be a larger trend into LLVM and the other projects, but I am glad to see this already happening in Clang. +10 for this initiative!

Throughout time, I have actively worked on and acted in the expectation of a code owner for different parts of LLVM. We also have enough cases of people who are very active but are not listed in the code owners file, and people in the list that haven’t worked in LLVM for ages.

I have tried to bring this to light a number of years back, but the feeling was that “it doesn’t matter much what’s in the list because we all know who work where”. This could be true back then, but with the increase in the number of projects, people and code contributions, it gets harder and harder to know who’s active and who’s not. In the end, if the list doesn’t matter, why do we have one?

Your interpretation of “code ownership” seems to be the same as mine: people who actively work on a project and that have taken (by work, not nomination) responsibility for its quality, today and in the past (emeritus). But the use of such a list to the community is to know who to contact, who to add to reviews and who to ask for help, so the list need to be fresh.

The need to have more than one person per area and the ability to have more than one area per person makes a lot of sense, too.

Perhaps next we should have a wider discussion on:

  • What exactly do we mean by code owner? Rights (ex. Github) and responsibilities?
  • How do we split sub-project ownership to all projects? (like you did well with clang)
  • How do we know when to add a new code owner? If people request, who approves?
  • When do we remove owners? if we have multiple, do we even need to?
  • How do we guide users to know who to contact for reviews/questions/access, etc?

I’d suggest this to be an organic list, where people are never removed, but moved into a “retired/emeritus” list for each major component (like you did with Richard), so that people know not to bug people that don’t work anymore, but we still keep them there, for historical records.

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Is it appropriate to mention target owners somewhere? These are mostly for LLVM work, which is not the focus of this thread, but there are a few places in Clang where target-specific things live (Basic/Targets, Driver/ToolChains). Maybe a note indirecting to the LLVM code owners would work.


Having a code owner for targets in the FE makes some sense from a “who should review changes” perspective, but changes to targets are so infrequent that I’m not certain we need an owner for it so much as for me to be aware of who to add into the review on the occasions when a target is being modified in some interesting way (instead of just refactoring or whatever). It’s worth putting thought into though, so thanks for bringing it up!

FWIW, I’ve had the same sorts of questions kicking around in my head as well.

To me, a code owner serves two main purposes: 1) Performing quality code review in a reasonably timely manner for some part of the code base (or oversight of someone else is doing quality code review), 2) Making “final decisions” when there’s a need. #1 happens continually, #2 happens about once a year, so code review is the biggest reason to have a code owner.

My current thinking on how to split duties up (which is still evolving as I get more feedback from folks) is that code ownership is really about community need:

  • Is the area critical to shipping Clang (templates, standards conformance, cmake, etc)?
  • Does the area need significant oversight to ensure the whole product remains sustainable (ABI, attributes, command line options, etc)?
  • Is the area a conceptually self-contained, very large extension or feature (sycl, cuda, opencl, openmp, concepts, modules, constant expressions, etc)?
  • Is the area a (conceptually) separate tool with significant user-facing interactions (clang-tidy, clang-format, the static analyzer, etc)?

In terms of adding or removing owners, I think it makes sense to add folks when we identify a community need (see above) and have agreement on a good owner or co-owner, and I think we should remove folks who wish to step down or who become inactive in the community for an extended period of time and cannot be reached (there’s not a lot of benefit to listing people as owners who won’t be doing the duties).

However, I’m still thinking about these kinds of things and so none of this is really firm for me. Having a broader community discussion around this sort of thing seems very appropriate, though I’m not certain what the expected result of the discussion would be. Are you hoping we’d document something about this, or are you mostly hoping to see if the community is largely on the same page about responsibilities (or both, or something else entirely)?

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Thank you for driving this initative @AaronBallman, this is a huge step forward for Clang, and I’d love to see similar efforts in other parts of the project!

These are great questions, could we move this discussion to the LLVM Project category so folks beyond the clang subproject are more likely to participate?

Thank you all!


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