Vlang - TR : LLVM and VHDL simulation

Hi Jonas,

>Thanks for your answers.
>In one year, I am going to have something like a semester project.
>The idea I have for this project would be to create (for simulation only) a VHDL front-end to LLVM, compile some VHDL code with the newly created compilator and also with a commercial compilator and simulator and compare the performance of both simulations. I won't have the time to do a full VHDL support, but if I implement at least entities/architectures, concurrent statements, processes, integer and/or real and boolean types, that should be enough to do the comparison. Maybe after the project, I will continue to work on the VHDL front-end. The main point of this project will be to see what LLVM could bring in term of performances and ease of developpement.
>This project has still to be accepted, so I am not 100% sure that I will do this project. I also found a tutorial ([http://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/](http://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/)) that can help me to familiarize with LLVM before I will do this project (if I will).

If you are interested in HDLs perhaps you would be interested in Vlang?
I am currently working on Verilog fronted and I am looking for somebody with VHDL interest to join the Vlang project.

