Llvm-zorg migration to the buildbot v3.9

Hello all build bots owners,

We are working on llvm-zorg migration to the buildbot v3.9. This is entering the phase when the results to become visible.

At this point no work is required from bot owners yet. Once the migration is done, you could upgrade your build computers later, at your convenience.

Soon we will upgrade the staging bot. Then, once that is stable and all detected issues are resolved, we will upgrade the production bot.

I will need some help with testing, and will be asking to move some of the builders temporarily from production to staging. LLVM buildbot is a piece of critical infrastructure, so more eyes and hands in making sure it works properly, the better.

I’ll be posting the progress here, along with requests to the bot owners, if any.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions or concerns.




Staging works with buildbot 3.9.2. Please keep an eye on possible issues.

We still have some porting and refactoring to complete, but feature-wise everything should work as before or better.

We will migrate production buildbot to 3.9 during this weekend.

At this point no work is required from bot owners yet. Once the migration is done, you could upgrade your build computers later, at your convenience.


Buildbot migration is done. Everything should be working.

Please let me know if you will see any issues.