Maintenance required on sphinx build bots

Hey folks.
We need to update the sphinx build bots so that we can switch the markdown parser we use from recommonmark which has been deprecated and is no longer maintained to MyST.

The following command can be used to install the required dependendencies:

pip3 install --user -r ./llvm/docs/requirements.txt

from the root of the git repo.

Going forward, this file will be updated if we start depending on new sphinx extensions or themes.

The PR operating the switch is there

My understanding is that some of the bots have been updated, so this mostly concerns polly-x86_64-gce1 and gribozavr3 and these jobs




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This has been merged [Documentation] Replace recommonmark by myst-parser by cor3ntin · Pull Request #65664 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub

@tonic I was told you might be able to help with the sphinx bots. At the moment we do not have any bot validating the documentation before it’s build for publishing, it’s not an ideal situation. Thanks!

@cor3ntin I think it’s @gkistanova that maintains the sphinx bots these days.

I do not maintain builders mentioned above.

Oh, my bad!

If we cannot locate owners of those builders, and nobody steps up, we probably should remove them from the build bot.

At the moment we do not have any bot validating the documentation before it’s build for publishing, it’s not an ideal situation.

Sounds like that should be a part of pre-merge checks?

Seems to me, if a change is committed, and Sphinx documentation could be built for that revision, it should be published for the current development version of the docs, unless I’m missing something about validation @cor3ntin has in mind.

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If we cannot locate owners of those builders, and nobody steps up, we probably should remove them from the build bot.

I have removed abandoned red Sphinx builders from llvm-zorg.

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Just nothing here that [CI] Add Github actions job to build LLVM documentation by boomanaiden154 · Pull Request #69269 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub and [Github] Add steps to build clang docs to CI by boomanaiden154 · Pull Request #69550 · llvm/llvm-project · GitHub have landed recently enabling premerge coverage through Github actions for the docs for LLVM and clang, so there shouldn’t be any major gap in coverage there. Planning on enabling more subprojects soon.

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