MLIR News, 50th edition (5th July 2023)

Welcome to the 50th issue of the MLIR Newsletter covering developments in MLIR, and related projects in the ecosystem. We welcome your contributions (contact: Click here to see previous editions.


  • I saw lots of fixes and new feature commits landed on MLIR past two weeks (see section below). Question sessions on discord (see section below) suggest lots of folks using MLIR basic and advanced features. Thank you to all experts/fast-responders for patiently answering and helping out.

  • [RFC] MLIR Pattern Matching for library and acceleration instruction rewriting. Vinicius Couto Espindola will present on 6th July at Open MLIR Meeting 7/6/2023. Summary: Modern ISA extensions and hardware accelerators created the demand for raising program idioms to acceleration instructions or optimized library calls. Although recent works have proposed different ways of raising code abstraction, they rely on specialized languages, compiler recompilation, or in-depth dialect knowledge. With this in mind, Source-based Matching and Rewriting (SMR), an MLIR based user-oriented tool for pattern matching and rewriting that relies on source code to simplify pattern and replacement specifications.

  • Andrzej Warzynski and Frank Gao will present at Open MLIR Meeting 6/22/2023: RFC on ArmSME Dialect - MLIR . Summary: an introduction into Arm’s Scalable Matrix Extension, including the MLIR codegen perspective, the work done so far to target SME from MLIR, and discuss what’s the best way to target “CPU accelerators” from MLIR.

  • MLIR C/C++ Front-end had their meeting MLIR C/C++ Frontend Working Group [Mon, Jun 26th] - MLIR / Announcements - LLVM Discussion Forums

MLIR Commits

MLIR RFC Discussions

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