My first real submission with Phabricator

I am ready to submit my first real submission for review with Phabricator. Please forgive my meager knowledge of Git. I did a 'git diff' to generate the diff file. The contents look good. However, there is one new file, a TableGen test file. How do I get that file included in the diff, or otherwise included in the submission?

Hi Paul,
I hope you have gone through

Generally, I would do ‘git add’ on the new file. ‘git diff’ should show me the newly added file. Further, I’d just do ‘arc diff’ and this should eventually generate a phabricator revision for you. There is UI way to create patches but I personally prefer ‘arc’ tool for reviews.

I hope this helps.

Madhur Amilkanthwar via llvm-dev <>於 2020年8月9日 週日,上午1:53寫道:

Hi Paul,
I hope you have gone through

Generally, I would do ‘git add’ on the new file. ‘git diff’ should show me the newly added file. Further, I’d just do ‘arc diff’ and this should eventually generate a phabricator revision for you. There is UI way to create patches but I personally prefer ‘arc’ tool for reviews.

I hope this helps.

Yeah, we usually use ‘arc diff’ to create a patch. If you have problem in installing that tool, you might need to generate the diff with ‘-U9999’ to include the context for your change which is good for reviewing.
‘git diff HEAD -U9999’

Hope it helps.

Best Regards,

This LLVM dev meeting talk might be useful -

Git indeed listed the new file as untracked; I did a `git add`; and now it is not listed as untracked. I then added the rest of my changed files and did a 'git diff --cached'. That seems to do the trick. Thanks!

I have read the documentation a couple of times, but it's slow to sink in. I'm not sure what it is about git and my brain.

I will definitely watch the video. Thanks for the link!