New PS4/PS5 Code Owner

I am nominating a replacement for me as the PS4/PS5 Code Owner: Jeremy Morse (@jmorse). Jeremy has been most visible as a driving force in the ongoing redesign of debugging information, with the dual goals of improving the usability of debugging optimized code and compile-time performance (particularly the replacement of debug-info instructions with debug records).

I will be retiring from Sony effective 27 September, and it would be inappropriate for me to try to represent the interests of a company I no longer work for. :slight_smile:

There is an RFC in progress to reorganize how code-ownership works, but I think I would rather pass this torch under the old system and let Jeremy figure out how to make it work under the new system. He’s the one who’ll have to live with it.

FTR, I expect to be at the fall Dev Meeting as a “civilian” but I haven’t fully decided whether to continue participating in LLVM going forward. There are a few things I would like to do still!


Thank you for all your amazing work @pogo59, and congratulations on your retirement!

I support your nomination of @jmorse.

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Thanks for all your contributions and support @pogo59! Good luck with your retirement!

Having interacted with @jmorse a couple of times I fully support this nomination!

Thanks for all your contributions and support @pogo59!

We’re immensely sad to see Paul go, he’s given us all a huge amount of guidance over the years and is a tireless advocate for LLVM and the community as a whole. Wishing you a great retirement!

Being PS4/PS5 code owner is fine with me.

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