PowerPC Code Owner

The time has come for me to relinquish my role as the PowerPC code owner. I have moved off of the PowerPC project last summer and it is clear that I don’t have time to adequately fulfil this role any longer.

A natural successor in this role is Chen Zheng so I would like to nominate him for the role going forward. I have no doubt that he’ll be an excellent code owner and will ensure the success of the PowerPC port.

Thanks for agreeing to take on the role Chen. I trust that no objections will arise, but just in case, give it a week and then update CODE_OWNERS.TXT.

Nemanja Ivanovic


+1. Really appreciate your contribution to PowerPC, @nemanjai .

It is a great honor for me to be nominated by you as the new code owner of PowerPC port.

Many thanks for the great contributions you made to the PowerPC target, Nemanja.


Thank you, @nemanjai , for passing the torch! Refreshing the code owners file or at least creating designated points of contact makes a meaningful difference in finding qualified reviewers in the project.

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Thank you for your efforts, and thank you for helping to transition the community to a new code owner! Thank you @shchenz for stepping into the role!

Thank you @nemanjai for great contribution to PowerPC target last few years! Thanks @shchenz for stepping into the new role to ensure the success of the PowerPC target!

Thanks @nemanjai for all of your work over the years! Welcome @shchenz!

I updated CODE_OWNER.TXT [NFC] add myself as the code owner of the PowerPC target · llvm/llvm-project@7476b41 · GitHub

Thanks again Nemanja.
Also thanks for the community’s trust.