[RFC] Proposing changes to the Code Owner for the LLVM Vectorizers

The current code owner of llvm’s loop vectorizer hasn’t been
contributing to the project for some years now. On the other hand, we do
not have a code owner for the SLP Vectorizer. I’d like to propose code
owners who have been active contributors and have shown interest in
taking up the ownership:

Loop vectorizer

Florian Hahn: Florian has been actively contributing to the
development and reviews of Loop vectorizer. Florian has a large number
of contributions for the vectorizer in general.

git log lib/Transforms/Vectorize | grep 'Author.*Florian' | wc

SLP Vectorizer

Alexey Bataev: Alexey has been actively contributing to the
development and reviews of SLP vectorizer.

git log lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SLPVectorizer.cpp | grep
'Author.*Alexey Bataev' | wc

Please comment if there is any support or objections.


cc: @fhahn @ABataev1 @mkuper @ayalz @idbaev @topperc


Definitely support!

+1 from me on both.

Honestly, LLVM is a disasterfest of outdated code owners or simply credits files (that are unnecessary in the age of git), in general. I like how clang has a seemingly fresh code owners file that thanks maintainers emeritus. People need to train their replacements and hand off the torch rather then leaving stuff unmaintained.


+1 for both of them

+1 for both Florian and Alexey. Many contributions, reviews, and guidance on LV/SLPV over the last several years.

Let’s give it another couple days in case anyone has an objection, but otherwise this makes a lot of sense to me!

If you two accept the honor, please update the CODE_OWNER file. Congratulations!


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Thanks @hiraditya for the proposal and everybody for chiming in!

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I’m joining Florian and want to thank everybody for the support.

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I just updated the CODE_OWNER file in Add myself as Loop Vectorizer code owner. · llvm/llvm-project@94b88c1 · GitHub