Board Meeting Minutes - October 2023

And finally, hot off the press - the meeting minutes for October 2023 can be found here!

The contents of the PDF are included here also:

Board Meeting Minutes
Date: October 6, 2023
Time: 9AM pacific time
Location: Video conferencing, multiple locations
Attendees: Anton, Wei, Tanya, Mike, Kristof, Reid, Chris B, Chris L, Kit


  • Approve September 8, 2023 meeting minutes

    • Minutes approved by Anton, Wei, Tanya, Mike, Kristof, Reid, Chris B, Chris L, Kit
  • Follow-up from previous meeting

    • GSoC: How do we maintain connections with GSoC graduates? Received a personal inquiry. How do we support continued contributions?
      • LLVM does not explicitly collect/record information about students involved in specific projects
      • We have asked students to write blog posts describing their projects, but have received few responses from the students
      • Could have future blog posts advertising all of the successful GSOC LLVM projects to provide some record of GSOC projects and participants each year
    • What is our stance on anonymous code contributions? There is increasing pressure to be able to reliably attribute code contributions to authors.
      • We should raise this issue at the BOF next week as something that has been raised and we are investigating/discussing
  • LLVM Dev Mtg Update

    • ~400 people registered; several pre-conference workshops sold out
    • Foundation BoF on Thursday. Tanya will prepare slides.
    • Have a photographer for the main conference
  • 2024 EuroLLVM Update

    • Very close to finalizing on Vienna, Austria,
  • 2024 US LLVM Dev Mtg Update

    • Close to finalizing contracting with same venue for next year
  • Sponsorship Doc update and approval/ Sponsor Meeting

    • Need to finalize text of sponsorship document, with minimal changes to rates (specifically to Corporate Supporter tier as benefit is not aligned with cost of registration to attend developers meeting)
    • Re-evaluate all levels of sponsorship and possibly change tiers based on the 2023 final budget and 2024 projected budget.
      • Goal is to have changes (if any) in place for 2024 LLVM Dev Meeting after feedback from sponsors
    • Feedback from other board members:
      • Sponsors really care about infrastructure
        • Improvements to infrastructure should be driven by feedback from the sponsors and community
  • Foundation Hiring

    • Have a list of candidates to interview
    • Will need board members to help organize and interview candidates
    • TODO: Mike and Tanya talk next week to coordinate setting up interviews
  • Strategic Planning/Budgeting

    • In the process of transitioning accounts to Virtual; once complete, Virtual will assist with developing the 2024 budget.
  • GitHub PR

    • Pull request activity has increased significantly - currently have 600+ PRs on github. Do not have data offhand on Phabricator reviews being created.
      • Would be good to get data on:
        • Responsiveness on PRs vs Phabricator
        • How many new contributors have started since the switch to PRs?
        • What other metrics would be interesting/useful?
      • Would it be worthwhile to have a roundtable discussion around data mining?
    • Some current pain points from switching to PRs:
      • Getting notifications
      • Stacked PRs
      • Large patches and long running reviews
      • Label-based subscriptions to PRs (functionality currently unavailable)
    • There is probably room for improvement here for these specific workflows that we could investigate
    • Anton notes that reverting a pull request through the GitHub web UI doesn’t work. Our policy of prohibiting branch creation is interfering with the web revert feature.
      • Anton hopes this can be resolved by adjusting the filter on our branch prohibition policy to allow the revert branches
    • TODO: Set another meeting for board members to focus on what we can do to help with the pain points
  • Random Brainstorming

    • Could we have a Help Wanted slide for things that we want help with (i.e., data mining for GitHub activity)
    • Could we have a newsletter with a summary update from various workstreams (e.g., relicensing, github data, GSOC, …) and have volunteers commit to providing these updates on a monthly basis?
  • Cloud Services

    • Exploring options for sponsors for cloud services
  • Next Meeting, November 3, 2023

  • Review and approve minutes (time permitting) [Everyone]

    • Minutes approved by: Anton, Wei, Tanya, Mike, Kristof, Reid, Chris B, Chris L, Kit