LLVM 15.x release status

Hi everyone!

We are getting to the end of the 15.0.0 release cycle and I wanted to update you all on the current status.

First the dates that are still relevant:

  • August 23rd - 15.0.0-rc3 is being released. You still have a full day to get fixes into this one.
  • August 31th at 18:00 CEST - I am planning to do a “Office Hour” around the release. More details later. But the idea is that I am going to hangout in a Google Meet and people can join to discuss the upcoming release.
  • September 6th - 15.0.0-final is planned to be released. I will probably not take any fixes during the 6th, so get your fixes in before that.
  • September 20th - The first bugfix release of 15.x will be released as 15.0.1.

If you are working on fixes that you want to have included in 15.0.0 it’s time to get them in now. You can also refer to the Github project: LLVM Release Status (github.com) to see the current status of issues I am tracking for the release. In order to surface issues for planned inclusion - add the GitHub issue to the Milestone 15.0.0 and then to the Release Status project and it will show up for me as I triage this board.

The step that takes the most time right now is making sure that fixes are reviewed (See the “Needs Review” topic in the linked board above), so I appreciate anyone jumping in to their areas of expertise and reviewing fixes.

Also don’t forget to update release notes in the respective subprojects, you can push release note fixes directly to release/15.x branch, but please ping me if you do so, so that I can update the automation to include this commit.

Please reach to me here or on Discord (tobiashieta) if you have any feedback on the release or issues related to the release.

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Small update - I am pushing -rc3 release back a day or two to get some important fixes in. Keep an eye on the release testers category if you want to follow along.