Board Meeting Minutes - February 2023

The February 2023 board meeting minutes can be found here:

The contents of the PDF are also copied here:

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: February 3, 2023
Time: 9AM pacific time
Location: Video conferencing, multiple locations

Attendees: Chris B, Mike, Anton, Wei, Tanya, Chris L, Reid, Kristof, Kit


  • Approve January 13, 2023 meeting minutes
    ○ Everyone voted to approve the minutes

  • Follow-up from previous meeting

    • Strategic Planning
      • Tanya has created a doc with proposed dates for meetings. Board members are asked to add their names to the programs they would like to participate in.
    • LLVM Meetup Funding
      • Preliminary Google Form created to obtain information from meetup organizers
      • Can we set it up so that there is a “bulk” request, for people to request a series of meetups, so organizers do not need to submit request for each meetup individually
      • Still several details that need to be worked out, including reimbursement.
        Tanya and Kit will meet again to continue the proposal.
  • GSOC/Outreachy

    • Organization applications for GSOC are due next Tuesday. Decisions will be announced by Feb 21.
      • Encouraging projects to have separate threads in Discourse, and also update GSOC webpage on LLVM website.
      • Hoping to have more projects added by next Monday. Additional projects can be added later, but we would like as many as possible by the organization application deadline.
    • Deadlines for Outreachy are similar timelines to GSOC
      • Projects can be listed for both GSOC and Outreachy to increase the pool of candidates.
  • Discord (Tanya)

    • People agree to the community rules (including code of conduct) and then are allowed to join the server. They can view all channels but only write to the Welcome category until moved to the “verified” role (manually or eventually by a bot).
    • Next step will be to add a bot that can automatically grant access.
  • Discourse Chat (Tanya)

    • New feature that has been added to Discourse.
    • Should we gather information as to whether this service would be of interest to the LLVM community?
      • Need to create a “channel” in discourse in order to use it.
    • Suggestion: we could ask the community if anyone has experience with this feature, or is interested in testing it out.
    • Suggestion: Let’s encourage folks to use Discourse chat for two-way direct communication, and gain experience that way
    • TODO: Tanya will draft a discourse post explaining this is a new feature and soliciting feedback on ways we could experiment with it.
  • Discord Usage

  • Asia LLVM Dev Mtg (Wei)

    • Many LLVM Meetups in China and east asia in LLVM
    • Chinese government has now opened up public gathers, allowing for meetups again
    • Do we want to organize a dev conference in China?
      • Possibly this year to organize larger meetups or workshops in main cities in China as a way to gauge interest for a larger dev conference.
      • Start planning for a dev conference in 2024.
    • Wei could help organize such an event, and has experience organizing large conferences in China
    • Wei will start gathering information around logistics and organization and provide information to the board.
  • Review and approve minutes (time permitting) [Everyone]

    • Meeting minutes approved by: Chris B, Anton, Wei, Tanya, Reid, Kit